We can help you with all the big and small things around your wedding. From menu, beverage selection and wedding venue to entertainment, decoration, invitation, response handling and photography. With great care, we produce dishes that are both filling and visually beautiful. In addition, we are happy to help with themes, so whether you want to rent a room for 30 or several thousand guests, have it small and private or grand and grand, we make sure that your wedding will be just as fantastic as you dreamed it would be. will be.
Kycklingfilé med basilika & Dijon
Kall skivad fläskfilé med timjan
Lufttorkad skinka med pesto
Krämig potatisgratäng med dragon
Olivpaj med ruccolasallad
Tomatsallad med mozarella och basilika
Marinerade champinjoner, crème på soltrokade tomater, färskost med spenat
Bröd, smör, kex och brieost, frukt